

My name is Mike. I started using marijuana as a form of therapy for my depression and other mental health issues. I didn't like having to take a shit ton of different medications, each with side effects that were just as bad if not worse than what I was already battling with.
I had some serious reservations with doing so, as it had been stigmatized my whole life as a "drug" and only something that "losers" and "dead beats" did.
After doing some research and seeing all the different states legalizing it, and how beneficial that it was, I decided to give it a try. I didn't realize that there were so many strains, and different ways that you could consume it. I had no prior knowledge of CBD or the other aspects of marijuana.

Years later I am now reviewing the different types that I come across in retail shops, and taking time to learn about each one as I try them out.
The point of this blog is to inform other possible consumers as a who's who and what's what guide to what is on the market. This blog is not condoning nor condemning the use of marijuana. I do not promote its use to minors under the age of 21yrs.

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